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7 Nov

6 Best Game Localization Tools

A comprehensive guide to the best localization tools and software for game developers, highlighting how EASY.DX and other resources can transform your game for international markets.
6 Best Game Localization Tools
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Localization can be one of the most complex aspects of game development, but using the right software to manage the process can make a massive difference. Here are our favorite platforms and tools to enhance your localization workflow.


EASY.DX - Streamlined AI platform, empowering businesses with intuitive content generation.
EASY.DX - Streamlined AI platform, empowering businesses with intuitive content generation.

Built specifically for game studios, EASY.DX is an AI voiceover generation tool that supports nearly 30 languages. With EASY.DX, you can match the voice of your primary language’s characters in each localized version of the game. More advanced line and file management features for localization are set to be added in early 2024.

2. Crowdin

Crowdin - Efficiently Navigating Global Communication.
Crowdin - Efficiently Navigating Global Communication.

Crowdin stands out as a robust, cloud-based solution designed for team collaboration. It streamlines the localization process by providing real-time updates, allowing team members to work simultaneously on different aspects of game localization. Crowdin's integrative approach facilitates efficient workflow management, making it a favorite among developers.

3. Lokalise

Lokalise - Advanced translation and localization management system.
Lokalise - Advanced translation and localization management system. Image Credit.

Lokalise is another powerful tool that accelerates the localization workflow. It offers a blend of translation management and software localization features, enabling developers to manage multilingual projects effectively. Lokalise simplifies the process of translating texts, managing localizable files, and automating repetitive tasks, ultimately speeding up the time-to-market.

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6 Best Game Localization Tools

4. Phrase

Phrase (former Memsource) - Comprehensive localization and translation management platform.
Phrase (former Memsource) - Comprehensive localization and translation management platform. Image Credit.

Phrase is renowned for its precision and efficiency in handling localization projects. It offers a user-friendly interface and robust API, making it easy for developers to integrate localization into their development process. Phrase's ability to handle complex translations and maintain consistency across languages makes it an invaluable asset.

5. Transifex

Transifex - Dynamic language translation and localization hub for content deployment.
Transifex - Dynamic language translation and localization hub for content deployment. Image Credit.

Transifex offers a unique approach to game localization by incorporating community involvement. This platform enables developers to tap into the power of crowd-sourced translations, where gamers and enthusiasts contribute to the translation process. This community-driven model not only accelerates the translation workflow but also ensures that translations resonate with the target audience, capturing the game's essence in every language. Transifex's live editing feature allows for instant updates and feedback, fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment.

6. OmegaT

OmegaT - Open-source CAT tool for professional translators, featuring advanced translation memory and glossary management.
OmegaT - Open-source CAT tool for professional translators, featuring advanced translation memory and glossary management. Image Credit.

OmegaT presents a compelling choice for game developers seeking an open-source and highly customizable localization tool. As a free solution, it offers a cost-effective solution for translating game content. OmegaT supports a wide range of file formats, making it versatile for various types of game assets. Additionally, its open-source nature allows for extensive customization, enabling developers to tailor the tool to fit their specific localization needs. With a strong community of users and contributors, OmegaT is continually evolving, adding features and improvements that keep it at the forefront of game localization technology.

Additional Tools for Localization

Along with the localization platforms above, you may benefit from using additional tools to enhance your localization workflow.

  • TextMesh Pro is a Unity asset for rendering high-quality text. It supports a wide range of languages and special characters, making it ideal for global game releases. TextMesh Pro's flexibility in font styling and layout adjustments ensures that the text is not only translated but also visually appealing in different languages.
  • Bad Word Filter automatically screens and censors offensive language across different languages, ensuring that the game remains suitable for its intended audience.
  • FontCreator can be used for developing custom fonts that are compatible with various languages and scripts. FontCreator helps in creating fonts that are not only legible in different languages but also match the game's aesthetic, maintaining the integrity of the game's visual design.
  • Google Noto Fonts is a comprehensive font family by Google that supports all languages with a consistent look and feel. Its variety in styles and weights, coupled with being free, makes it a go-to choice for game developers needing versatile font options for different languages.
  • Polyglot simplifies managing multilingual strings, providing an efficient way to organize and implement translated texts within games. Polyglot's user-friendly interface and compatibility with Unity make it a preferred choice for many developers.
  • Fastlane automates repetitive tasks in the localization process, such as uploading and downloading files, which saves significant time and effort for developers.


Localizing a game involves more than just translating text. It's about adapting cultural nuances, ensuring linguistic accuracy, and maintaining the game's essence across different languages. By leveraging these resources, game developers can effectively overcome language barriers, creating games that resonate globally.

Whether it's through advanced AI-generated voiceovers from EASY.DX or the collaborative platforms of Crowdin and Lokalise, each tool offers unique features to enhance the localization process. Ultimately, the best tool is the one that is right for your specific project’s requirements.

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